About us
We farm on the land my grandfather purchased in 1927
and cannot believe the changes in agriculture in less than 100 years. We have a lot of respect for those pioneers and the perseverance of generations that came before us and made this great country what it is.
We started our herd in 1986 with the purchase of two groups of open heifers and quickly built our herd based on A.I. using leading sires over the next 30 years.

Although we do not show cattle we very much appreciate the dedication of those who do, to promote this great breed that has become dominant for many reasons.

We very much appreciate all the visitors to our family farm and are pleased to have made many friends among our buyers. I suppose we are a little old school but here honesty and integrity are highly valued, with a person’s word and handshake being more binding than a written contract. In short, treat people the way you want to be treated. We also believe raising cattle is very much based on family farm values.

Our daughters Amy and Paula, since they were young have put sweat equity on the farm and continue to help out when needed. Amy and Marc and their sons, Micah and Justice, Paula and Brad and their sons, Keenan and Jesse, have a few cows at Cranberry Creek and everyone enjoys helping out and working on the farm. The grandsons being the 5th generation enjoying these open skies and prairie life.
views from around our farm
Want to find out more?
Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions about our cattle, land and why we do what we do.
David & Jeanette Neufeld.